Monday, January 6, 2014

Involvement With Photography

My interest in photography has increased drastically over the past couple of years.  I didn't have an interest for it when I was younger, or even all that much in high school. I've always loved pictures and doing photo shoots with my cousin, just messing around with a camera, but I never looked at it as something I would continue with as a job. I took a photography class in high school just because I had a slight interest in it and liked to mess around.  However, the class didn't do the concept of photography justice.  I've never been one who likes to follow given specific outlines, especially for something that is supposed to be expressive, and that is all that the high school classes were.  You were given an assignment to fulfill a certain way, not something I was a fan of.  
I got my first real, good camera when I was a junior in high school, a Canon T3. It sat in my room for a good half a year without even touching it.  Didn't think I had much use for it.  Now, I take it with me every where I go.  I got more into photography near the end of my senior year, into my first semester of college in Provo.  I didn't enjoy Provo much, so I spent my time making a website and creating a name for myself for photography.  Upon returning home the next semester, is when I spent some time on my website and getting my name out to family and family friends.  Since then, I've done senior pictures, family pictures, and am doing a wedding this upcoming May.  
I have come to love photography and plan on doing it as a full time job on my own terms, with my own business.  I think photography is one of the absolute best forms of art, as it can be expressive in so many different ways.  Each picture contains so much memory, and says so much about not only the person/item captured, but the photographer themselves.  As a photographer, you come to realize there are many different styles of photography when it comes to taking pictures, to what types, to the way the pictures are edited.  I get closer and closer each day coming to find my own style and type of things I wish to photograph that ultimately express who I am.  
 I love to take pictures of people.  I think that capturing the small moments is what counts the most and says the most.  I like to take pictures that show a lot of character and uniqueness, therefore I think if I could travel and take pictures, I would be set.

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